We’re happy to announce that we are certified with the ISO 27001 certification, an internationally recognised standard that ensures the needs of our customers are met and an adequate program is in place to oversee information security risk management as well as data protection.

Information security is a field that is continuously evolving. Keeping ourselves up to date with new technologies and threats is crucial to maintaining and growing our business. The ISO 27001 gives us a strong foundation in security policies, processes and procedures to support our continuous adaptation to new threats.

What is ISO 27001 certification?

ISO 27001 is the leading international standard focused on information security risk management. The certification demonstrates the team’s commitment to properly manage information security risk and continuously improve the product and service to meet industry requirements. The fully remote team underwent an extensive company-wide auditing process that was prefaced by an internal and external gap assessment, numerous cross-functional initiatives and concluded with the mandatory ISO 27001 stage 1 and stage 2 audits.

TeamMood was awarded the certification in January 2023 by The British Assessment Bureau, an accredited certification body based based in the UK.

Accredited ISO 27001 certification in January 2023 by The British Assessment Bureau. Certificate Number 244365.

Header photo by Anna Tarazevich on Pexels


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