We’re in full Olympics fever right now and that made me think.

Ever wondered what your office and an Olympic training center have in common? More than you might think!

Bad coaches can wreck an athlete’s career.

They push too hard, ignore injuries, and create a toxic environment. Sound familiar? It’s not too different from bad managers in the workplace.

Like bad coaches are similar to bad managers, great coaches are similar to great managers.

1. They build mental toughness

Top athletes don’t just train their bodies. They train their minds too. And great coaches know this is key to success.

In the office, it’s no different. Your team faces stress, deadlines, and high-pressure situations. Just like athletes, they need mental toughness to thrive.

Just like a coach preparing athletes for game day, you’re preparing your team for whatever challenges come their way. And that’s a win for everyone.

2. They value rest and recovery

Recovery is when the magic happens. Muscles repair, energy restores, and performance improves.

Your team isn’t so different. They need breaks to recharge and come back stronger. But in our always-on world, rest can feel like a luxury. It’s not. It’s a necessity.

By valuing rest, you’re not being soft. You’re being smart. You’re investing in your team’s long-term performance and well-being.

3. They give meaningful feedback

Top athletes rely on their coaches for constant feedback. Great coaches master the art of constructive guidance.

In the workplace, feedback is just as crucial. But it’s often neglected or delivered poorly. Effective managers know that regular, meaningful feedback is a powerful tool for improvement.

Think of feedback as your coaching sessions. It’s your chance to guide, motivate, and develop your team members. Done right, it can transform performance.

4. They play the long game

Elite coaches don’t just focus on the next game. They have their eyes on the championship, the next season, and beyond.

They build strategies that stand the test of time.

In business, it’s easy to get caught up in short-term wins. But truly effective managers know that sustainable success requires a longer view.

Short-term thinking might win a battle, but long-term strategy wins the war. By focusing on sustainable success, you’re setting your team up for lasting excellence.

5. They create a team culture

Great coaches know that a group of talented individuals doesn’t automatically make a great team.

They actively work to create a team culture that brings out the best in everyone.

In the workplace, culture is just as crucial. It’s the invisible force that shapes behavior, drives engagement, and ultimately determines success.

Take a page from the coach’s playbook. Invest time and effort in building a team culture that inspires and unites. The results will speak for themselves.


So, what’s the takeaway?

Whether you’re coaching Olympians or leading a project team, great leadership looks pretty similar.

It’s about building resilience, valuing well-being, and focusing on long-term success.

Check out TeamMood

  • TeamMood increases feedback frequency. Get daily or weekly notifications to everyone in your team in just a few minutes after signing up.
  • TeamMood is fun. The only thing your teammates need to do is click on their corresponding mood and they are done. Written comments are optional. It’s perfect to start getting more feedback. And it’s easy and quick enough to keep this habit in the long term.
  • TeamMood is anonymous. Your teammates won’t be scared to give honest feedback because their identity is hidden.
  • TeamMood helps you transform feedback into action. Our analytics dashboard help you monitor and analyze feedback to uncover actionable insights more easily.

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Header photo by Dana Katharina


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