Radical Agility, or How To Consider Social And Ecology With Agility
What if we mixed agile with social and ecology? That's what Claude Aubry, Jean-Pascal Boignard, and Anthony Cassaigne did by defining the concept of radical agility
What if we mixed agile with social and ecology? That's what Claude Aubry, Jean-Pascal Boignard, and Anthony Cassaigne did by defining the concept of radical agility
Digital technologies account for 4% of greenhouse gas emissions woldwide - here's what you can do about it
Digital technologies are responsible for 4% of greenhouse gas emissions – ecodesigning your digital services can reduce drastically your environmental impact
Download our free retro canvas and improve your Agile retrospectives
Discover four pieces of advice for first-time working-from-home teams and team facilitators in times of confinement
Hiring and training new employees is costly for companies. Understanding what makes your best talents loyal to your company can’t help but improve your internal in the long run!
Discover the top 15 retrospective tools to enhance your Agile retrospectives, better organize them and follow up actions over time: TeamMood, Retrium, FunRetro...
Agile retrospectives help agile teams to identify potential improvements in the way the team works. Discover its ideal structure and the outcomes you can get.